

Institution Faculty Graduate's name
University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Science 丘宇峰、廖靜雯
Bachelor of Nursing 蔡 銳
Bachelor of Business Administration 翁 靜、招翰民
Chinese University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Nursing 倫嘉晴、黃小珊、林泳涵
Bachelor of Engineering 鄧欣雯、曾敏納、周詩韵、湯文軒、陳子瀚
Bachelor of Arts in History 容芷韵、陳詩穎
Business Administration 陳宇森、楊雅茵、高深如、潘梓鋒
Psychology 陳宇曼
Chinese Language and literature 楊雅妍
Bachelor of Science 方菀彤、何文謙
Journalism and Communication 蘇楚淅
Economics 陳宇琳
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Engineering 廖嘉怡、黃邁可、楊佐彬、游 業、徐文鴻、劉海中、陳珍健
Science 李碩晟、吳肇宏、袁銀希
Business Administration 呂澤洪、吳坤雄
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Physical Engineering 林俊言
Nursing 馮昱琛
Accounting & Finance 馬雨婷
Financial Services 莊嘉寶
Hospitality Management 林因格
Electronics and Information Engineering 楊劉玲、區迅礽*
Electrical Engineering 郭俊彥
Industrial and Systems Engineering 鄧偉健
Land Surveying and Geoinformatics 周添銘
Building Services Engineering 陳佳希
Hong Kong Baptist University Religion and Philosophy in the Faculty of Letters 李嘉敏
Bachelor of Science 徐梓溢
Business Administration 黃珈盈
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Biomedicine 邱靖婷
China Studies 馮聆渝
Visual Arts 林曉雪
City University of Hong Kong Electronic Engineering 江道霖
Energy and Environmental Sciences 熊子健
Bachelor of Business Administration 李顯楠
The Education University of Hong Kong Early childhood education 古家琪、莫雅淇、吳子欣
Psychology 洪梓釗
Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Business, Accounting and Finance 譚悅兒
Hong Kong Metropolitan University Nursing 徐綺霖
Lingnan University Business Administration 鄭 燕、蘇淑婷
The Hang Seng University, Hong Kong Supply Chain Management, Business Administration 羅梓穎


*Subject to JUPAS allocation results.


Mainland China and Overseas 


Institution Faculty Graduate's Name
Jinan University Civil Engineering 易嘉明
Chinese Medicine 蔣子安
Financial Engineering 陳民樂
Information Technology 劉巧莹
Finance 區志強
Economy 施汝霖
Clinical Medicine 陳靖懿
Finance 黃凱宇、余文炎
Science 鄧偉健、徐芷若、易文傑
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou Physics 徐家豪
History 姚培鈞
Mathematics 林楚寅
Wuhan University Law 喻楊曉柔
Fujian University of Chinese Medicine Clinical Medicine of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine 伍嘉玲
Ewha Womans University, Korea Korean Studies 趙亞婷
Plymouth University, UK Environmental Science 顏凱霖
La Trobe University, Australia Physiotherapy 鄧 瑩
University of South Australia Construction management / Aviation 何家俊
National Jinan University, Taiwan International Business 盧梓君
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Early Childhood Education 林美慧
Oye University, Taiwan Hospitality 郭碧玉
Tunghai University, Taiwan Politics 陳煒麒
Tamkang University, Taiwan German Studies 王舒煒
History 鄧嘉熹
Tainan University of Applied Sciences Design 鄭麗思
Global University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Tourism 張雅芝
Taiwan Chien Chien University Fashion Design 梁嘉琪
Yishou University, Taiwan Civil Engineering 梁鎮顯
Fo Guang University, Taiwan Psychology 謝匡文
Ming Chuan University, Taiwan Applied English 張蔚榆
Soochow University, Taiwan Business Administration 劉鴻銘
Philosophy 陳泳寶
Fu Jen Catholic University History 李卓霖
Nursing 鍾佩恩
Taiwan Liming Institute of Technology Performing Arts 黃梓瑩
Taiwan Chinese Culture University Information Engineering 何穎妍
National Taipei University of the Arts Drama 楊文靜
Chang Gung University, Taiwan Technology 區迅礽
National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan Philosophy 許偉秋


School Starter Scholarships


Objective: To encourage students under the Start-up Scheme to study hard and enroll in universities funded by the University Grants Committee through the scholarship scheme.

Content: The School Start Scheme Scholarship was established in 2015 to provide scholarships annually to students from School Start Scheme schools to pursue four-year degree programmes at eight post-secondary colleges funded by the University Grants Committee and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Students can receive a scholarship of up to HK$25,000 per year, and students must maintain good grades during their studies to continue to receive the scholarship.


Six Secondary 6 graduates were awarded the “School Starter” Scheme Scholarships for their successful results in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education to pursue four-year degree programmes in eight post-secondary institutions funded by the University Grants Committee.


(Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science in Biomedicine, Hong Kong Baptist University)
(BBA, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)


HKUST Dean of Engineering Scholarship


中文大學 和聲書院 傑出學生獎
